Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

PhD Fellowship in the Cell Signaling Research Group, phd funding

The Cell Signaling Research Group, at the University Pompeu Fabra, searches one Doctoral Research Fellow. The successful candidate will form part of multidisciplinary research team on the research environment of the Barcelona Biomedical Reseacrh Park.
Our group studies how cells detect and respond to environmental changes. All organisms have sophisticated mechanisms to respond to environmental stress. Cellular stress results in activation of a conserved family of SAPKs (stress-activated protein kinases), which include the mammalian p38 and the yeast Hog1. We study the mechanisms by which SAPKs regulate cellular adaptation to stress such as gene expression, translation and cell-cycle progression.
REFERENCES: EMBO J. 29, 4–13 (2010), Science Signal. 2(63):ra13 (2009), EMBO J. 28(4):326-36 (2009), Mol Cell Biol. 27(11):3900-10 (2007), Trends Cell Biol. 17(12):571-4 (2007), EMBO J., 25 (11):2338-46 (2006), Mol Cell, 23:241-250 (2006), Nature, 427 (6972):370-374 (2004).

Successful candidates will be offered a four-year PhD fellowship. Gross salary: 1.150 euro/month.
Ph D Supervisors: Dr. Francesc Posas and Dr. Eulàlia de Nadal.
Interested doctoral researchers might have a background in Biology/Chemistry/Biochemistry. It is desirable to have laboratory experience in molecular biology.
Average University Grade over 2.
Good knowledge of English.
Research Fields

Biological sciences

Candidates should apply with:
1. Letter of motivation
2. Curriculum Vitae.
Applications are welcome electronically at any time at montserrat.morillas@upf.edu.
Selection will start on July 15th 2010 and will continue until the position has been filled. It is expected that successful candidate will start working on the project around October/November 2010.

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